Thursday 1 July 2010

Durian Feasting Again!

Oh ya!! I committed another sinful act of feasting on durian again!! A close friend surprised us with a visit and he brought along durians!! Wow, what a great gift! Together, we feast on those durians although I was heading to a dinner later on. How could one resist this??? Love the rich, bitter-sweet flavour of these D24 and IOI durians. Yup, those are the names of the durians.

Burp.......! d^_^b Excuse me.


Stephanie said...

Oh yes! For me, one good quality durian like this one is enough to satisfy/stop my craving for a few month he he...

Alexander said...

ho ho ho! this is the best thing on earth :D

Happy a wonderful weekend!

Alex's World! -

"Use your first smile, your first form of generosity, of love, of kindness—use it at home; start at home. And if there is something left over—if … your plate is just full of abundance of patience and goodness and smiles and joy, then by all means, you should go … and offer that to others. But we must begin at home." by Dr Robin Smith