Wednesday, 25 November 2009

ABC Wednesday - 'S' is for Sharing

This week's ABC Wednesday carries the theme 'S' and my posting shall be entitled 'Sharing'. Today's photo was taken 5 years ago, featuring my niece and nephew sharing a cup of fresh orange & carrot juice at the Jonker Walk night market. This is what I would call sister-brother love!

Happy ABC Wednesday to all. Do pop by at the portal to find out what others are posting for the theme 'S'.


Sylvia K said...

What a beautiful shot and word for the day! Perfect!



Mara said...

They look so cute. Great S!

Chin said...

Lovely shot!

Roger Owen Green said...

sharing is good; we all need to do that more often...

"Use your first smile, your first form of generosity, of love, of kindness—use it at home; start at home. And if there is something left over—if … your plate is just full of abundance of patience and goodness and smiles and joy, then by all means, you should go … and offer that to others. But we must begin at home." by Dr Robin Smith