Monday, 30 April 2012

Do Not Rob Our Children's Future

The message that the poster said was Do Not Rob Our Children's Future.  This was a protest carried out by the Hijau supporters at the same time as Bersih 3.0. One of Hijau's objectives is to stop Malaysian government from allowing rare earth manufacturer from Australia, Lynas, from operating a plant that produced health-hazard wastage.

It is very unfortunate for us Malaysians that our protest is not heeded by our government. The Lynas plant in Gebeng, Kuantan, has already started operations!! 

Green Ban on Rare Earth detailed what rare earth is and why the protest against it:

Rare Earths are used in our iphones, laptops, flat screen TVs and wind turbines, but have you considered what the process involves to extract rare earths? Did you know there is potentially a radioactive fallout from rare earth processing?
Australian corporation Lynas wants to export rare earth from Fremantle, Western Australia to Gebeng, Kuantan in Malaysia to process the ore. But the proposed Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) has been imposed on local communities in Kuantan without their consent. 
Touted as the largest rare earth refinery, the LAMP will use 720 tons of concentrated Hydrochloride Acid (sulphuric acid) per day and leave behind 28,000 tonnes of solid waste per year, enough to fill 126 olympic size swimming pools. A by-product of this waste is radioactive Thorium (Th) which is dangerous to human health.
There are approximately 700,000 people living within 30 km from the LAMP and it is located near coastal tourist resorts and an environmentally sensitive fishery area. Construction of the plant has begun in secrecy and ahead of proper environmental and waste management plan.
We are calling for Malaysian and Australian citizens, environmentalists, unionists, health professionals, business people and politicians to get behind the Stop Lynas! Campaign and stop Lynas Corporation from proceeding with their rare earth plant (Lynas Advanced Materials Plant-LAMP) in Gebeng, Kuantan.
"Malaysians are not against new, green technology that rare earth material supports. We just ask for these technology to be clean from cradle to grave, particularly when you are processing it in someone else's backyard." 

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"Use your first smile, your first form of generosity, of love, of kindness—use it at home; start at home. And if there is something left over—if … your plate is just full of abundance of patience and goodness and smiles and joy, then by all means, you should go … and offer that to others. But we must begin at home." by Dr Robin Smith