It's Theme Day again! This time the theme is: What is your city known for?
Hee...hee....the first thing that comes to mind whenever you mention Subang Jaya in Malaysia is TRAFFIC JAM!!!
We are a developed suburb and traffic jam is part and parcel of our lives here. But after living here for almost 15 years, we already get used to it and know all the short cuts to skip the journey! Welcome to Subang Jaya's traffic jam! This photo is taken at a key junction on Jalan Kewajipan! There is traffic jam there anytime of the day!
You can visit other bloggers who are participating in today's theme day. There are currently 136 blogs participating in this theme day:
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It's the bit in brackets in the thumbnails (Selangor) that speaks to me...and it positively screams: PEWTER! And gorgeous objects made from that pewter.
I like your moving photo:) we also suffer from traffic jam here
Budapest Daily Photo
You are the second city I've seen to feature traffic jams! Love your photograph of it.
I didnt know that!
Subang Parade? hahah...
and old airport.
that's what comes to my mind when "subang" is mentioned.
Happy Theme Day!
Neat photo. Looks like soccer is big there too.
Lots of time to stare at billboards...
Very cool photo. Love the gigantic billboard!
Lots of traffic jams allow for photo taking from the car, especially if you aren'driving. :P
What a great picture and thought! I love this theme day. I am amazed at what everyday people think their city stands for!
Love the photograph!
Great shot!
Nice photo!
We don't have traffic jams very often on Maui...maybe you need to vacation here! At least you know the shortcuts!
I like your photo! As for traffic that's one thing we lost control of...
A nightmare for so many of us...Nice shot!
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