Saturday, 19 May 2012

Soy Sauce Factory Visit

With my fellow neighbours, we joined a one-day tour of factories in Selangor.  Ha ha....that's something that I thought I would do only during my school days. Suprisingly, this kind of tour is also very popular among senior citizens. Some fellow senior citizen neighbours were joining this tour and invited the rest of us to come along. So, we hopped onto the bandwagon and one of the visits brought us to a soy sauce factory in Sg. Buluh.

It's my first visit to a soy sauce factory. We were being briefed about the process of making soy sauce by the factory manager in the photos above.

1 comment:

Chrissy Brand said...

A fascinating tour and good photos.

"Use your first smile, your first form of generosity, of love, of kindness—use it at home; start at home. And if there is something left over—if … your plate is just full of abundance of patience and goodness and smiles and joy, then by all means, you should go … and offer that to others. But we must begin at home." by Dr Robin Smith