January 2008 is a great month!! A second bundle of joy came into my life yesterday in the form of this little infant.
He was born yesterday, 28 Jan, 2008. He is the first born of a couple who are close friends to us. His name has not been chosen yet. We did not expect him to arrive 5 weeks earlier. Despite arriving prematuredly, he is certainly one strong chap, seeing him scream his lung out asking to be fed!
A friend said by adding his date of birth (2+8=10, 1+0=1), the final digit is ONE. Thus, this baby is gifted with leadership quality. And if we add up all the date, month & year (2+8+0+1+2+8=21, 2+1=3), the final digit is THREE. With 3, this baby will be a good communicator!
Whatever it is, we hope he will grow to be a healthy, good boy! Congratulations to your parents for your arrival, young boy! Look forward to learn your name real soon!
Welcome Baby Boy! Wishing him health and hapiness.
Awwww.... how sweet!
I would certainly appreciate your posting a condolence message in my blogs today for the wife of a good blogger friend...
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos
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