Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

Today's posting features some of the photos that I have posted for Year 2009. It has been another wonderful year and it's time to sing Auld Lang Syne and end the year with a smile.

Happy New Year to all! Wish you all a great year ahead!

Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas Snowman

Christmas snowman to bring festive cheers to all of you on this Christmas eve. How's your preparation for Christmas eve dinner coming along?

Wednesday 23 December 2009

ABC Wednesday - 'W' is for Wonderful Christmas

As Christmas is only 2 days away, today's posting will certainly be 'W' is for Wonderful Christmas!! This is a scene taken at Suria KLCC mall. How's your preparation for Christmas coming along? Surprisingly on my end, it's going to be a busy weekend, starting tomorrow. There are a number of parties to attend and reunions with old classmates. I know it's going to be some good time with friends! I hope you will have the same too! Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas celebration!

ABC Wednesday photos can be seen at its portal.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Happy Dong Zhi

It's Winter Solstice celebration for all Chinese today. In Chinese, it's called Dong Zi celebration. The first character means “winter” and the second character means “arrival.” Combined together it means winter has arrived. In traditional Chinese society, the arrival of winter meant that the farmers would lay down their tools and celebrate the harvest by coming home to their families.

Dong Zhi is celebrated with everyone in the family gathers to eat tang yuan or glutionuous rice balls (as seen in today's photo). These alls are made of rice flour shaped into small balls and boiled with water, sugar, ginger and pandan leaves (for Malaysia version as the pandan leaves exude nice fragrant that improve the flavour of this dessert).

Today's posting is for That's My World Tuesday posting.

Monday 21 December 2009

New Bridge at Melaka River

A new bridge is being built at the Melaka River. The reflection of the bridge really make this photo looks interesting. What do you think?

Monochrome Monday returns again today. Find out more fascinating perspectives of life in black & white through
Monochrome Monday!

Sunday 20 December 2009

X'mas at Berjaya Times Square

Here's a Christmas scene from Berjaya Times Square mall in KL. All malls in town are packed with customers doing their last minute shopping for Christmas or just hanging out with families as its school holiday period in Malaysia and Singapore. Yah, you may wonder why I mention Singapore here. Many Singaporeans visit Malaysia during school holiday.

Saturday 19 December 2009

GnG - Gated & Guarded

As crime rates increase, more and more residents in Subang Jaya and Petaling Jaya are opting to have their housing areas gated and guarded!

There are those who protest this plan. Reasons being they prefer open space and some for financial reason as residents will have to pay monthly fee to employ security companies to provide security guards for entry points to the housing areas.

I am all in support of this gated and guarded community. In fact I hope it will be implemented soon. Being a victim of house break-in recently, I have grown to be fearful of the increase in crimes in recent years. I hope our police force would buck up to help regain the security that we used to have in the past.

Friday 18 December 2009

Sky Watch Fri - Storm & Skyscrapers

A heavy storm is about to arrive! Look at those dark, fierce looking clouds. The sky reminds me of scenes from Lord of the Ring.

It has been raining daily and recently a 20 year old young man was struck by lightning as he was leaving the basketball court at USJ6. So, please rush indoor as soon as you see lightning at a distance.

Visit Sky Watch Friday for more photos of skies from around the world.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Making Love Letters

During our trip to Pulau Ketam, we stumble upon this lady making love letters outside her house. may ask what are love letters?

Love letters is a kind of thin crepe made of egg, flour, sugar & coconut milk. A thin layer of batter is then poured onto this round looking mould and cooked over burning charcoal. The cooked round crepe will then be removed and rolled or in this photo, folded into four and kept in air tight containers to keep their crispiness. It's sweet, crispy and smell of the fragrant of coconut milk. Love letters are always served during Chinese New Year. This lady has started making them for sales in preparation for Chinese New Year or Spring Festival that will fall on 14 Feb next year.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

ABC Wednesday - 'V' is for Vacation

ABC Wednesday returns with the theme 'V'.

'V' is for Vacation. My nieces and nephews spent their vacation in Kuala Lumpur with us this week. Today we visited Pulau Ketam, a fishing village near Port Klang. They had their first experience of taking ferry ride today. This is the ferry that brought us to Pulau Ketam from the jetty at Port Klang.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Jesters at Sunway's Magnifique Christmas

The theme of Sunway Pyramid's Christmas decoration for this year is Magnifique Christmas. This afternoon 2 jesters dressed in colourful costumes made an appearance to have photo session with customers at the mall. Coincidentally I was there with my nieces and nephews and we got to pose with them. Aren't their costumes lovely?

That's My World Tuesday features photos of lives around the world. Please visit it to find out more.

Monday 14 December 2009

Monochrome Monday - Shadowplay

We had a fun time as we stroll along the Melaka River last weekend. One of the games we played was shadowplay. We made poses while our shadows were reflected on the zing wall and I was clicking away on the camera.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Fly FM

A bus featuring an advertisement of Fly FM's Morning Show's crews.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Full of Action

It's the first time I watch a rugby game. Wow, there's so much of action and speed happening and it's really fun watching the players chasing after the ball, even though I don't understand this sport....ha ha .....

Friday 11 December 2009

Bridge at Pulau Melaka

It's nice to hang around on this bridge in Pulau Melaka and watch the world goes by. This bridge connects Melaka Raya to this man-made island.

Visit Sky Watch Friday for more photos of skies from around the globe!

Thursday 10 December 2009

Eye on Malaysia on A Gloomy Day

A gloomy day for a ride on Eye On Malaysia (EOM). I have posted several shots of the EOM but I just can't help being fascinated with it.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

ABC Wednesday - 'U' is for Upside Down

'U' is for Upside Down! This boy was hanging upside down from the monkey bar at the playground near my house. It's so fun to take photos of this boy and his friends who had a good time playing at this playground.

For more photos of the theme 'U', do visit the ABC Wednesday portal.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

My World Tuesday - Wedding Season

Since the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar (that begins on 19 Sept), there have been many weddings been held. The Chinese believes that it is auspicious to have weddings from the 8th - 12th month of the year. A friend of mine said he has to attend 7 weddings in Nov & Dec and that would burn a big hole in his pocket. During Chinese wedding reception, guests would be bringing ' angpow' (red packets contain money) as gifts to the wedding couple. The monetary gifts could help the couple to pay for the wedding reception. That's the pragmatic approach practised by the Chinese.

Today's posting is for That's My World Tuesday's participation. Please head there to find out what's happening in other part of the world.

Monday 7 December 2009

KLIA - Viewing Deck

At the viewing deck of Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

For more photos in black & white, do visit
Monochrome Monday's portal hosted by Aileni.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Night Market Dim Sum

Hot, steaming dim sums at the Jonker Walk weekend market in Melaka. It is nice to eat this as you stroll through the market! Try this when you visit Jonker Walk! Pick 3 pieces for only RM1.50 (about USD0.30)! Cheap, right?

Saturday 5 December 2009

Yap Ah Loy Temple, KL

The altar of Yap Ah Loy Temple in Chinatown of Kuala Lumpur. This temple is dedicated to the Kapitan of Kuala Lumpur, Yap Ah Loy. Take note of the ornate carving of the wooden boat hung above the altar, in between the two huge lanterns.

Friday 4 December 2009

Sky Watch Fri - Sunset at Pulau Melaka

A beautiful sunset taken at Pulau Melaka, a man-made island in my hometown, Melaka. A bridal couple were having their outdoor wedding photo session near the Pulau Melaka Mosque. It's a beautiful site to capture splendid sunset. I stumble upon this place when I was driving around while waiting for time to go for a reunion with my primary school friends whom I have not met for over 23 years. One has to walk through some wild bushes and climb over a low dividing wall before reaching here. It's quite an adventurous discovery but can be rather unsafe too. It's best to go with some friends rather alone.

Thank God it's Friday! Wishing all of you a splendid weekend with family & friends! Happy Sky Watch Friday!

Thursday 3 December 2009

Up, Up & Away

This guy is up on the crane to fix the flag that is attached to a very tall bamboo stem. It was the birthday celebration of the God in the temple near my house in Melaka. A few tall flags were put up during this celebration.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

ABC Wednesday - 'T' is for Train

'T' is for train. This is the monorail train that ferry passengers from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) terminal to the satellite terminal to catch their flights.

Today's ABC Wednesday's theme is 'T'. Find out what others are posting for this theme at ABC Wednesday's portal.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Theme Day: Dec 09 - Trishaw in Melaka

I totally forgot that today is the first day of the month and that means its theme day! Just checked the City Daily Photo portal and today's theme is 'Waiting'. For my participation for theme day, here's a trishaw man waiting for passengers at Melaka's Stadhuys. Don't you think his trishaw is beautiful?

So far there are 122 participants for theme day.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Picnic by the Ayer Keroh Lake

A lovely day to be outdoor having a picnic with my nieces and nephews by the lake at Ayer Keroh. The children had lots of fun playing at the playground. See the laughter plastered on their faces in the photo below.

That's My World Tuesday is back today. Check out for more photos from around the world.

"Use your first smile, your first form of generosity, of love, of kindness—use it at home; start at home. And if there is something left over—if … your plate is just full of abundance of patience and goodness and smiles and joy, then by all means, you should go … and offer that to others. But we must begin at home." by Dr Robin Smith